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Mental health

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Mental health tests
Mental health tests

Short Mood test

If you're feeling sad, anxious, apathetic or depressed, the online depression test, which can be taken in many languages here, can help assess your mental health.

Mental health test for Ukrainians

A more in-depth mental health assessment test, created specifically for Ukrainians by Estonian psychiatrists and researchers, can be taken here. In Estonia, the creators of the test offer free video counselling here

Psychological counselling
Psychological counselling
Emotional support and helpline telephone

Emotional support and counselling phone 116 123. Free support in Estonian, English and Russian. Call the emotional support line to talk about how to cope with everyday problems. The counsellors will listen to you, offer emotional support and help you figure out the best way forward. Anyone who is experiencing tensions and difficulties in their life and feels the need to talk about it can call 

Call the same number 116 123 if you are worried about your own or a loved one's illness, need emotional support, have existential or religious questions, or are dealing with grief, support for the bereaved and their loved ones. A counsellor is a theologically trained counsellor with a duty of silence and confidentiality, trained to help people who are ill, in crisis or dying.

For mental health support via chat or video, read more here.

Crisis hotline for victim support

The Victim Support Crisis Helpline is free of charge on 116 006 in Estonian, English and Russian, and you can also arrange (video) counselling in Ukrainian.

The Helpline offers support and a hearing if you have experienced violence, loss, traumatic situations or if it has happened to a loved one or an acquaintance. Crisis helpline counsellors will listen, share information about help options and signpost you to the right professionals if necessary.

Read more on the Victim Support website

Estonian Refugee Council

The MindSpring programme is a free group-based program for refugees, supporting their adaptation to a new and unfamiliar country under the guidance of coaches. Participation in the programme increases group members' awareness, provides new knowledge and skills to better understand the new situation, cope with daily challenges, prevent problems, and establish a social network.

MindSpring group meetings are organized for parents, young people and children all over Estonia. One group meets six to eight times over two months. The meetings are held in Russian, Ukrainian and English and each group consists of 8-10 people.

To take part in the programme, contact and read more about it here.  

Psychological counselling in Tallinn

MTÜ Eluliin

Psychological counselling at the reception desk and by phone in Estonian, Russian and Ukrainian. All residents of Tallinn can receive free psychological counselling five times at the centre at Pärnu mnt. 9a. To register for an appointment and for specialist advice by phone: 631 4300. Read more here.

The Ukrainian-language hotline 681 1700 answers from 19.00-23.00, the Estonian-language hotline from 19.00-07.00 and the Russian-language hotline 655 5688 at the same time.

Tallinn Refugee Centre

Psychological counselling services in Russian and Ukrainian. To register for the service, call 544 407 84 (online consultation) or 542 000 16. Read more here.

Unemployment Insurance Fund

Free psychological, debt and addiction counselling for unemployed persons registered with the Unemployment Fund and jobseekers who have been notified of redundancy in Estonian and Russian. You can choose the service provider you need from among the Unemployment Insurance Fund's contractual partners. Read more here.

Support for victims of labour exploitation and trafficking of human beings.

If you have been a victim of labour exploitation (excessive working hours, unpaid wages, threats, etc.), a sham marriage, coercion to commit a crime or prostitution, you can call the Advice Line for the Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings and Victims of Trafficking (+372) 660 7320 or write to  

You can contact them anonymously in Estonian, Russian or English. The counsellors can help with contacts with the authorities, provide social and legal advice, arrange safe accommodation, meals, health services, material and psychological assistance, and translation for services.

Women's support centres

Women's support centres are for those who have been victims of violence against women. The centres are located in every county and are open to women, with their children if necessary. The service is available free of charge 24/7. The Women's Support Centres provide psychosocial support, psychological counselling, psychotherapy, legal advice and safe temporary accommodation. Call 116 006 or read more here.

Estonian Network of People living with HIV

Self-help groups for women living with HIV in Ukraine to help access antiretroviral treatment, harm reduction programmes, drug addiction treatment and support for LGBTIQ+ people. Psychological, social and experiential counselling, family therapy, support services for children and food and material assistance are provided. Assistance is also provided to help Ukrainian refugees communicate with state authorities and to prepare documents. Call (+372) 5870 6070 or write to Read more here.

Children and young people
Children and young people
School psychologists' advice line

The School Psychologists Association's advice line 1227 is a free anonymous way to consult an experienced school psychologist. It is open to pupils, parents of schoolchildren and kindergarten children, teachers and other professionals working with children. Counselling is offered in Ukrainian on the first Tuesday of every month. Find out more here. 

Child helpline

The Children's Helpline 116 111 (24h) is open to all calls about children or to report a child in need. If necessary, the information is passed on to specialists such as child protection workers or the police. Callers to the helpline can remain anonymous. Advice is available in Estonian, Russian and English. You can also call from your mobile phone when you are out of airtime.

Children's Helpdesk can also be contacted via an online chat on the website or by contacting

Estonian Union for Child Welfare 

In cooperation with the Estonian Bar Association, free advice is offered on family law issues. Find out more on the website.

Estonian Refugee Assistance group counselling

The MindSpring programme is a free group-based program for refugees, supporting their adaptation to a new and unfamiliar country under the guidance of coaches. Participation in the programme increases group members' awareness, provides new knowledge and skills to better understand the new situation, cope with daily challenges, prevent problems, and establish a social network.

MindSpring group meetings are organised for parents, young people and children all over Estonia. One group meets six to eight times over two months. The meetings are held in Russian, Ukrainian and English and each group consists of 8-10 people.

To take part in the programme, contact and read more about it here.  

Counselling at

Free psychological counselling at is available for young people aged 16-26, who are seeking help for mental health problems.

On the mental health information portal you can ask for mental health help by email in Estonian, Russian and English. also organises mental health cafés, which are open-air meetings with mental health volunteers who offer advice and support in Estonian, English and Russian. 

Read more here.

Psychological counselling Rajaleidja

Psychological counselling for young people in Estonian, Russian and Ukrainian. Psychologists are from Ukraine, and they can provide counselling to people in need all over Estonia. You can book a free counselling appointment by calling (+372) 735 0700 or writing to Online registration is here

Sõbralt Sõbrale Counseling Centre

The counselling centre is a place to go if you want to find clarity, improve relationships or get support in life's crises. You can go to counselling on your own, with a partner or with your whole family. Psychological counselling is free of charge for young people aged 16-19.  

Find out more here

Doctors and health care specialists
Doctors and health care specialists
Family doctors 

Family doctors provide general medical care to all Ukrainian refugees (you do not need to be registered with a family doctor to get help). They can prescribe antidepressants and refer you to a psychologist, for example. 

Click here for a list of family doctors' clinics providing assistance to refugees. If you can't find your family doctor, write to the Health Insurance Fund or call (+372) 669 663. 


The Health Insurance Fund pays for visits by psychologists for patients with health insurance to institutions with which they have a partnership agreement. A referral letter is required to see a psychologist. You can find the contact details of psychologists with a Health Insurance Fund partnership agreement here.

In Tartu, the city government recommends going to the Tartu Counseling and Crisis Help Centre at Vaksali 14, which also offers psychological counselling in Russian. If the person in need is registered in the city of Tartu, psychological counselling is paid for by the city government. 

Read more about it here


The Health Insurance Fund will pay for psychiatric visits for patients with health insurance if a partnership agreement has been signed with the provider. Their contact details can be found here. You do not need a referral from your family doctor to see a psychiatrist.


Mental health first aid training. How to spot a person in need and what advice to give to someone who is showing signs of danger? How to keep safe boundaries and yourself when helping?

Read more here.

Estonian Red Cross

Estonian Red Cross provides psychological first aid training by refugees and volunteers who have taken it to heart to support Ukrainian refugees who have arrived here. The three-day training is open to people who wish to improve their knowledge of psychological first aid and in this way support refugees. To take part in the training, please contact

Read more on the Red Cross website


Convictus Estonia

Convictus Estonia supports people who use addictive substances and their loved ones so that they can live a full life. The centres offer psychological support, health counselling, social and experiential counselling, clean supplies and condoms, and rapid HIV and hepatitis C testing, among other services. Counselling is available in Estonian and Russian.

Read more about these services on the Convictus Estonia website.

Rehabilitation Centre

The Salvation Army's House of Hope Rehabilitation Centre is for all men over the age of 18 who want to break free from alcohol and drug addiction. The 'Living Hope' rehabilitation programme lasts nine months. The programme includes accommodation, spiritual counselling, debt counselling, group and occupational therapy, and, where possible, restoring family ties. 

Read more on their website